McKenzie County Public School District #1

Boundary Waiver Request

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This form is to be filled out ONLY when a parent / guardian is requesting that the student named at the top of the form be transferred from the resident elementary school assigned according to the policy for school boundaries to a different elementary school. This form must be submitted on or before May 31, 2025.

Please enter this address carefully. If it is incorrect you will not receive any email communication from the district for Boundary Waiver.

Are Special Education services requested for this student?
Certification of Special Education Services: In 2024-2025, was the student was receiving Special Education services/IEP?
Which school did the student attend in 2024-2025?
Within which elementary school boundary does the student live?
School requested for the student for 2025-2026?

Transportation Notice

District busing will only be provided to the school within the assigned attendance area.


If you are seeking a transfer for this student's sibling(s) for the 2024-2025 school year, list their names, grades and schools.


Transfer Request Policy and Documentation

Click on this link for the School Board Approved Elementary School Boundary Maps

Click this link to view the District Policy for the Elementary School Boundary Petition (FAB-AR1)

I have read and understand the Elementary School Boundary Petition Policy (FAB-AR1).

Knowingly providing false information on the transfer request form shall be grounds for denial of the transfer application or revocation of a previously approved transfer.

Supporting Documents

This form must be accompanied by two proofs of residency. One must be primary and one must be secondary.

Please check which proofs of residency are being provided

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Certification - If this transfer is approved, your signature acknowledges your child will transfer to the school you requested for the school year indicated. Only one parent-initiated student transfer will be considered per school year. Approved transfers will be reviewed and reconsidered each year. Your student may not be able to continue in this school due to future capacity issues. Boundary Waiver Petitions are reconsidered each school year.
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